I know there are a lot of progressive elites who fancy themselves uber-intellectuals with far more brainpower than the rest of us peasants, and in order to prove it, they use gigantic words piled together so that they sound like they just vomited a thesaurus.
Ashley Judd is notorious for this. And honestly, I wasn’t sure she could be beaten in the category of Using-Words-To-Sound-Smart-But-Really-Just-Sounding-Like-A-Pretentious-Hag, until I saw these tweets from Professor Sunny Singh.
Before I share them, let me tell you what I’ve learned about Sunny Singh in the 45 seconds I’ve devoted to studying her.
She’s a writer, and she’s a Professor of Creative Writing and Inclusion at London Metropolitan University. I don’t know if those are two separate things that she’s a professor of, or if the world is now so woke that you can’t HAVE creative writing WITHOUT inclusion. And I’m not interested enough in her to dig deeper.
Sunny Singh is apparently invited to debates on various platforms, and so she has tweeted out her “standard response” to those invitations.
Grab a dictionary, grab a cocktail, and settle in for this lunacy.
I think I speak for most normal people when I say:
Did you get all that? Debate is an imperialist capitalist white supremacist cis heteropatriarchal technique, you guys.
What – you didn’t know that? Loser.
Now for her standard reply:
She could’ve just said no, but people like Sunny really really really really really like to use many many words.
And by the way, if you’re curious about whether presidential debates are also imperialist capitalist white supremacist cis heteropatriarchal, here’s your answer:
And lest you think Sunny is simply avoiding debates to avoid debating, please see here:
Man, I have been meaning to decolonize my creative and academic praxis for WEEKS now and just haven’t gotten to it. I’m gonna pencil that into my day planner now before I forget.
My favorite responses to her word salad tweets are the many comments asking if hers is a parody account.
If only.
The post Debates Are Now An Example Of White Supremacy And Cis Heteropatriarchy. appeared first on Chicks On The Right.
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